Monday 25 October 2010

£200 for the snip anyone?

I've been interested to read, and see some of the reactions surrounding 'Barbara Harris' (pictured) from the US's campaign to pay people suffering with addiction £200 cash to under go 'long term birth control'.
The story goes that after adopting children from parents with addiction, and seeing the scars left behind, she thought to herself 'why are we letting this happen?', 'why are we letting parents not fit to raise children have children?'.
So off she trotted on a one woman mission funded by a 'secret benefactor' offering cash for sterilisation.

Project Prevention has now reached the UK.

I do agree that in some cases children do suffer due to parents recklessness, and have witnessed first hand a fundamental lack of care given by some parents suffering with addiction. Addiction is a selfish past time and has no time for others even, it would seem, ones children. Even so, this is a vast generalisation, and how dare someone have the right to decide who is fit to have children or not, regardless of the parents afflictions.

Children suffer at the hands of bad parenting for differing reasons, drink, violence, cruelty, mental health etc. I know one addict who has bought up her seventeen year old daughter all on her own, the child has never suffered or gone with out and is now doing well at college and plans to go to university, I know for a fact she would not have been better off with the father who is not an addict of any kind, but lacks the fundamental ingredients of love and selflessness needed to bring up a child. The child wouldn't change her upbringing for the world.

Who says that people can't reform? This woman's view seems to be once an addict always an addict.
I've always found the lack of use of contraception between casual partners is nothing short of unforgivable, and this goes mainly for drunk one night stands than with other illegal drugs, yet this seems to be alright? If the child is born by mistake as the result of a fumble between two consenting fourteen year old's, fine. Bring drugs into the equation? NO WAY!

Offering money to the vulnerable, desperate and needy to stop them producing and passing on their genes? They may consent now, but what happens when in five years time they are clean and in a stable relationship and want to start a family? They may not be so forgiving then. Will this be their own fault? The result of there own addiction fuelled greed for money? I suppose so. Fuck them. One less future junkie to ignore.

This is generalisation in the extreme, what next? sterilising smokers? Muslims? homosexuals? poor people?

I can not believe reading comments on the web that people are behind and encourage this, she has sterilised 3000 people in the US, but fuck it they are only junkies who cares. That is someone's sister, brother, son, daughter.  I wonder who's behind this....the good old Christians? She says not, but if in doubt blame the Christians that's my motto...x

(As always your thoughts welcome)

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